Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quality Control Software Explained

What is Statistical Process Control?

A method of quality control used is known as statistical process control.  You will commonly hear statistical process control referred to by the abbreviation SPC.  To be sure that a process is operating correctly, SPC will monitor and control the process.  SPC, when performing to full potential can nearly eliminate product waste.  Any product that meets specifications can have the SPC process applied to it.  Statistical data is collected in the SPC process by using charts and experiments.  SPC is applied most commonly in a factory environment which has a manufacturing line.

The SPC process must be performed in two phases in order to properly work.  The process for which SPC is going to be used on has to first be established.  The regular production factors of a process or product must be examined during the second phase of SPC.  The two parts of SPC are beneficial in that they prevent issues occurring on the manufacturing line by creating an early detection process. 

Various types of SPC programs exist which aid companies in reducing waste and increasing productivity. 

Data collection is automated when software quality control is used rather than requiring employees to rather the data manually.  SPC software is ran in real-time which makes the jobs of quality control engineers easier by notifying them of problems quickly.  Data is immediately available to be transmitted by quality control personnel because SPC software operates in real-time. SPC software also automates data by inputting the process information in spreadsheets, charts and graphs. 

If InfinityQS Data Acquisition System is used, an inspection of the product after it is produced is not necessary. SPC software eliminates the need for post manufacturing inspections because of the statistical predictions produced. 

Application of SPC Systems Discussed

The apply the SPC software and system property a company must first understand the goal of business itself.  Variations which exist within in the product need to be examined and charted in the second step of applying SPC.  Variations which can be identified in the second process need to be eliminated in the third step of applying SPC. 

Quality Control Software and SPC Software Components

SPC software is essentially made up of data collection software and process control software merged together. A quality SPC software will contain a superb data collection software packet which will produce real-time information. Along with data collection software, SPC software must have process collection software integrated.  The process control software which is contained in any SPC software is the software that monitors the specifications of the product and will alert an employee if a problem exists. 

Various SPC software is manufactured and available to businesses and a business must first understand their variables to accurately benefit from SPC software. SPC software makes the quality inspection and quality control process much easier, which ultimately benefits the company.

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